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Missions & Commitments

"We decided to put digital at the service of the user for a unique, user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing experience. This is the DNA of our company."

Frédérique Montrésor


Sharing the challenges, thoughts and expertise of our partners. From the encounter between their world and ours, the most beautiful ideas are born.


Create new concepts to bring our partners innovation, the main driver of growth, and thus foster customer commitment.


Bleu Reflet is committed to the continuous evolution of its expertise to constantly improve its performance and that of its teams.


Putting people at the heart of exchanges to develop relationships based on trust and listening: the best way to move forward together.

Horizon 2030 CSR Challenge

How can you achieve ZERO impact on your operations?

"90% of customers are ready to abandon one brand in favor of a more committed one", which is why we offer you impact solutions that reduce your carbon footprint, your international logistics costs, your inventory management and your returns rates; all while maintaining a real experience and full availability of your products for trial.

Our CSR approach

  • Digital domain: The Bleu Reflet website is environmentally friendly. According toWebsite Carbon, it outperforms 60% of the websites tested. Only 0.70g of CO² is produced each time a user visits the site.

  • Human aspect: The company also recruits work-study students. It is keen to see them develop their skills, and works to promote professional integration.

  • Premises: The team is used to working in collaborative premises. They don't use fixed offices, which means they don't use up space and avoid unnecessary energy wastage.

  • Training: The last point essential to the life of a dynamic team: regular meetings to share experience, training and so on.

  • 100% French: The entire Bleu Reflet team is based in the Paris region. All production is 100% French.

  • Transparency: We are transparent about our working methods and pricing policy.

  • Listening: Understanding the problems of our customers and our team, to identify sticking points and accept disagreements.